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Invitation to the Meeting of Trust Unitholders No.1/2024
Attachment 1 : Copy of the Minute of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders;
Attachment 2 : Annual Report for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2023 (in QR-CODE format);
Attachment 3 : Profiles, experience, and work experience of the auditors of TPRIME for the year ending 31 December 2024;
Attachment 4 : Trust Deed of the Thailand Prime Property Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (TPRIME), dated 11 October 2016, in respect of the meeting of trust unitholders and vote casting;
Attachment 5 : Documentation and evidence required to be presented before attending the meeting, procedures for the appointment of a proxy, registration, and voting at the meeting of unitholders;
Attachment 6 : Profile of the independent director available for appointment as proxy at the Meeting of Trust Unitholders No.1/2024;
Attachment 7 : Proxy Forms
Proxy A.
Proxy B.
Proxy C.
Attachment 8 : Guidelines regarding Personal Data Processing;
Attachment 9 : Map of the meeting venue;
Attachment 10 : Registration Form (to be presented at the meeting)
Rules Governing Unitholders' rights to propose agenda and question for the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders
Invitation to Annual General Meeting of Trust Unitholders 2023
Attachment 1 : Copy of the Minute of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders
Attachment 2 : Annual Report for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2022 (in QR-Code format);
Attachment 3 : Profiles, Experience, and Work Experience of the Auditors of TPRIME for the year ending 31 December 2022
Attachment 4 : Trust Deed of the Thailand Prime Property Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust, dated 11 October 2016, in respect of the meeting of unitholders and vote casting
Attachment 5 : Documentation and Evidence Required to be Presented before Attending the Meeting, Procedures for the Appointment of Proxy, Registration, and Voting at the meeting of unitholders by electronic meeting
Attachment 6 : Profile of the independent director available for appointment as proxy at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders
Attachment 7 : Proxy Forms
Proxy A.
Proxy B.
Proxy C.
Attachment 8 : Instruction for Using Electronic Meeting System (E-AGM)
Attachment 9 : Guidelines regarding Personal Data Proccessing
Attachment 10 : Registration Form for Electronic Meeting (E-AGM)
Rules Governing Unitholders' rights to propose agenda and question for the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders
Invitation to Annual General Meeting of Trust Unitholders 2022
Attachment 1 : Copy of Notification of the summary of questions and answers form inquiries of Trust unitholders form the information provided in lieu of holding the Annual General Meeting for the year 2021
Attachment 2 : Annual Report for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2021 (in QR-Code format);
Attachment 3 : Profiles, Experience, and Work Experience of the Auditors of TPRIME for the year ending 31 December 2022
Attachment 4 : Trust Deed of the Thailand Prime Property Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust, dated 11 October 2016, in respect of the meeting of unitholders and vote casting
Attachment 5 : Documentation and Evidence Required to be Presented before Attending the Meeting, Procedures for the Appointment of Proxies, Registration, and Voting at the meeting of unitholders by electronic meeting
Attachment 6 : Profile of the independent director available for appointment as proxy at the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders
Attachment 7 : Proxy Forms
Proxy A.
Proxy B.
Proxy C.
Attachment 8 : Instruction for Using Electronic Meeting System (E-AGM)
Attachment 9 : Registration Form for Electronic Meeting (E-AGM)
Providing information in lieu of holding the annual general meeting for the year 2021
Rules Governing Unitholders' rights to propose agenda and question for the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders
Providing information in lieu of holding the annual general meeting for the year 2020
Rules Governing Unitholders' rights to propose agenda and question for the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders
Invitation to the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Trust Unitholders
Attachment 1 : Copy of The Extraordinary General Meeting of Trust Unitholders no.1/2018
Attachment 2 : Annual Report 2018
Attachment 3 : Procedure on Registration to Attend the Meeting and Proxy Granting
Attachment 4 : Information of the Independent Director of SCCP REIT Company Limited to be considered with the proxy granting of the Trust Unitholders
Attachment 5 : Proxy
Proxy A
Proxy B
Proxy C
Attachment 6 : Map of the meeting venue
Invitation to the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Trust Unitholders
Attachment 1 : Copy of the Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Unitholders;
Attachment 2 : Annual Report 2017
Attachment 3 : Procedure on Registration to Attend the Meeting and Proxy Granting
Attachment 4 : Information of the Independent Director of SCCP REIT Company Limited to be considered with the proxy granting of the Trust Unitholders;
Attachment 5 : Proxy
Proxy A
Proxy B
Proxy C
Attachment 6 : Map of the meeting venue
Attachment 7 : Registration Form (to be presented at the meeting)
Invitation to the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Trust Unitholders
Attachment 1 : Annual Report 2016 (in CD-ROM format)
Attachment 2 : Trust Deed in respect of the meeting of unitholders and vote casting
Attachment 3 : Article of Association in respect of the meeting of unitholders and vote casting
Attachment 4 : Procedure on Registration to Attend the Meeting and Proxy Granting
Attachment 5 : Proxy
Proxy A
Proxy B
Attachment 6 : Map of the meeting venue
Attachment 7 : Registration Form (to be presented at the meeting)